Monday, 21 May 2012

Tah Dahhhhhhhh!!!! one final piece.......

and 9 others to come hopefully.....! 2 weeks to go until I STOP making arghhh!!! This is a photo I had taken Tuesday, its has a piece from my butterfly collection but also a brand new piece from my new collection, which hasn't got a name as of yet. This piece can be worn anywhere on the body as its all about magnets! Over the next week or 2 I will be uploading various images of my new pieces. I am extremely stressed as today we had to choice our image for the postcards, (plus to add to the stress I hate computers) this above image is my chosen one, but I have cropped it to make the 'diamonds' more in your face, as that's what my work is about: bold, colour and massive so fingers crossed it looks good as I have 1000 postcards hello every ones future Christmas, birthday cards for many years to come. Dreammmmmmm.

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