Tuesday, 22 May 2012

They say less is more?

Just a few things that I have been playing around with in the workshop. Inspired by my classic diamond shape mark, that is featured on all the backs of my current work. A wire classic diamond shape earring which I think I love as its constantly in my ear, 5 pairs of traditional diamond shaped earrings to come, my silver finally came yayyy!!! I'm hoping people will mix and match them up, I'm not a fan of matching pairs. Also to the side of my earring, my brooch which was meant to be a quick 10 min thing just to do, but took about an hour as I kept messing it up even though I've done this 'stone set' a billion times, very frustrating, just wanted a simple stone set brooch to make my concept even more obvious!!! without the diamond the stone set is actually really pretty and without the stone set how would we wear diamonds? hmmmm think it may be too simple and the pin is pathetic, so tomorrow I intend to increase the thickness of the pin and also pop one of my flocked dome of dreams in it just to make it more me. But the blank stone set brooch is something that I shall keep in mind for future.

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